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Valle del Encanto - Ovalle Turismo

Valle del Encanto stands out for having diverse archaeological vestiges of several pre-Hispanic cultures, petroglyphs and pictographs characteristic of the Molle culture (500 to 700 a.c.) as well as traces of hunting groups that date back to 2000 b. C. Valle del Encanto has been considered a National Archaeological Monument since 1973.

  • Open to public: 2021 from Monday to Sunday 9:00 am to 05:30 pm hours
  • Address: 5 Kms. from the Ovalle-Socos road (Route 45) and 19 Kms from the city of Ovalle.
  • Tickets: Adult admission: $1.000.- Children from 7 to 12 years old: $500.- . Children under 7 years old: Free Senior citizen over 60 years old: Free
  • Website: http://municipalidadovalle.cl/tour/